Intimacy with Life 2.0 / full
Intimacy with Life 2.0 / full
9 evenings online together from Monday January 10th until Monday March 7th.
“I’ll be happy when… “ is a myth. Not only is it a myth but the thought “I’ll be happy when…” fundamentally separates us from life. From being alive, fully.
Intimacy with Life is an invitation to meet your essential you. We will come together in a small group to BE as we are and experience life as IS.
The group will be large enough to leverage the power of the group while it is intimate enough to work with each participant individually.
The invitation is to remove our social masks together in a safely held environment.
Who are we without our story?
What remains when we’ve shared our darkest secret?
Who am I, if I stop comparing myself?
What stands between me and choosing to be fully alive right now?
Intimacy with Life is a journey into trust and inner wisdom. We will know ourselves on a deeper level. And explore any topic that may stand between you and trusting yourself more fully.
During our time together nothing will be forced or required of you and with the support of centring and grounding exercises your deepening will unfold gently.
The series of 9 live circles begins in January 2022
For questions and further enquiries do not hesitate to contact: